A national survey released in May 2020 found that only 20% of parents whose child should be receiving special education services during coronavirus school shutdowns were actually receiving those services. You have many reasons to look for a special education attorney...
Around 13.7% of public school students get special education services of some kind. That’s around 7 million students across the nation. Just like every other student, children with special education need to enjoy the guarantee of free and appropriate public...
In the United States, almost 14% of students who attend public schools have a learning disability. In the State of California, almost 800,000 students receive special education services at a cost of $13 billion dollars per year. Student accountability data show poor...
Are you feeling frustrated with the lack of educational services your special needs child is receiving? Do you think your child’s school is neglecting their duty, but you aren’t sure about special education law? Is your child experiencing behavior problems...
Nearly 14 percent of students enrolled in public schools have some form of recognized learning disability. Federal law requires that school districts accommodate these students to ensure that they receive the same quality of education as their peers. In practice,...
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